You are now entering the world of wiki research.
There are many things you will learn here.
*You will learn to create a page, edit it, and make neat formatting changes.
*You will learn how to research and cite properly.
*You will learn how to make smart decisions on how to use technology.
*You will have a safe place to try new things in your writing, to try things with graphic design, and to try some multimedia activities.
*You will learn to immerse yourself in the history of the 1920's.
The first thing you need to do…
*is claim your page. You know what your topic is, now go in there and play around with the page. See what you can do with the text and the different fun buttons in edit. Figure out how to insert a picture. Make sure everything you do is school appropriate.
*Then, you need to start working on the actual research of your paper. After that, we'll come back here to play around some more and create our actual pages.